ocrat mirror → Pride and Prejudice |
Chapter 47 (Vol. III, Chap. V) |
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(Vol. III, Chap. 6) | ![]() |
Chapter 47 (Vol. III, Chap. V) |
第四十七章 |
"I have been thinking it over again, Elizabeth," said her uncle
as they drove from the town; "and really, upon serious
consideration, I am much more inclined than I was to judge as
your eldest sister does of the matter. It appears to me so
very unlikely that any young man should form such a design
against a girl who is by no means unprotected or friendless,
and who was actually staying in his colonel's family, that I am
strongly inclined to hope the best. Could he expect that her
friends would not step forward? Could he expect to be noticed
again by the regiment, after such an affront to Colonel
Forster? His temptation is not adequate to the risk."
他们离开那个城镇的时候,舅父跟伊丽莎白说 :“我又把这件事想了一遍,认真地考虑了一 番,越发觉得你姐姐的看法很对。我认为无论 是哪个青年,决不会对这样一位姑娘存着这样 的坏心眼,她又不是无亲无靠,何况她就住在 他自己的上校家里,因此我要从最好的方面去 着想。难道他以为她的亲友们不会挺身而也吗 ?难道他还以为这一次冒犯弗斯脱上校以后, 还好意思回到民兵团里去吗?我看他不见得会 痴情到冒险的地步。” |
"Do you really think so?" cried Elizabeth, brightening up for
a moment.
伊丽莎白的脸色立刻显得高兴起来,连忙嚷道 :“你果真这样想吗?” |
"Upon my word," said Mrs. Gardiner, "I begin to be of your
uncle's opinion. It is really too great a violation of
decency, honour, and interest, for him to be guilty of it.
I cannot think so very ill of Wickham. Can you, yourself,
Lizzy, so wholly give him up as to believe him capable of it?"
嘉丁纳太太接嘴说:“你相信我好了,我也开 始赞成你舅舅的看法了。这件事太不顾羞耻, 太不顾名誉和利害关系了,他不会这样胆大妄 为。我觉得韦翰未必会这样坏。丽萃,你竟这 样不把他放在眼里,相信他会做出 这种事吗? ” |
"Not perhaps of neglecting his own interest. But of every
other neglect I can believe him capable. If, indeed, it should
be so! But I dare not hope it. Why should they not go on to
Scotland, if that had been the case?"
“他也许不会不顾全自己的利害关系。除此以 外,我相信他全不在乎。但愿他能有所顾忌。 我可不敢存这个奢望。要是真象你所想的那样 ,那他们干吗不到苏格兰去呢?” |
"In the first place," replied Mr. Gardiner, "there is no
absolute proof that they are not gone to Scotland."
嘉丁纳先生回答道:“第一,现在并不能完全 证明他们没有到苏格兰去。” |
"Oh! but their removing from the chaise into an hackney coach
is such a presumption! And, besides, no traces of them were to
be found on the Barnet road."
“哎哟!可是他们把原来的马车打发走,换上 了出租的马车,光是凭这一点就可想而知!此 外,到巴纳特去的路上,也找不到他们的踪迹 。” |
"Well, then -- supposing them to be in London. They may be
there, though, for the purpose of concealment, for no more
exceptionable purpose. It is not likely that money should be
very abundant on either side; and it might strike them that
they could be more economically, though less expeditiously,
married in London, than in Scotland."
“那么就假定他们在伦敦吧。他们到那儿去也 许是为了暂时躲避一下,不会别有用心。他们 两个人都没有多少钱;也许他们都会想到,在 伦敦结婚虽然比不上在苏格兰结婚来得方便, 可是要省俭些。” |
"But why all this secrecy? Why any fear of detection?
Why must their marriage be private? Oh! no, no, this is not
likely. His most particular friend, you see by Jane's account,
was persuaded of his never intending to marry her. Wickham
will never marry a woman without some money. He cannot afford
it. And what claims has Lydia, what attractions has she beyond
youth, health, and good humour, that could make him, for her
sake, forgo every chance of benefiting himself by marrying
well? As to what restraint the apprehension of disgrace in the
corps might throw on a dishonourable elopement with her, I am
not able to judge; for I know nothing of the effects that such
a step might produce. But as to your other objection, I am
afraid it will hardly hold good. Lydia has no brothers to step
forward; and he might imagine, from my father's behaviour, from
his indolence and the little attention he has ever seemed to
give to what was going forward in his family, that he would
do as little, and think as little about it, as any father could
do in such a matter."
“可是为什么要这样秘密?为什么怕给人家发 觉?为什么结婚要偷偷摸摸?哦,不,不,你 这种想法不切合实际。你不是看到吉英信里说 吗──连他自己最要好的朋友也相信他不会跟 她结婚。韦蚨绝不会跟一个没有钱的女人结婚 的。他根本办不到。丽迪雅除了年轻、健康、 爱开玩笑之外,有什么办法、有什么吸引力, 可以叫他为了她而放弃掉结婚致富的机会?至 于他会不会怕这次羞耻的私奔使他自己在部队 里丢面子,便把行为检点一下,那我就无法判 断了,因为我无从知道他这一次的行为究竟会 产生什么样的后果。但是你说的另外一点,我 恐怕不大靠得住。丽迪雅的确没有个亲兄弟为 她出头,他又看到我父亲平日为人,懒散,不 管家事,便以为他遇到这类事情,也会跟人家 做父亲的一样,不肯多管,也不肯多想。” |
"But can you think that Lydia is so lost to every thing but
love of him, as to consent to live with him on any other terms
than marriage?"
“可是你以为丽迪雅为了爱他,竟会不顾一切 ,可以不跟他结婚而跟他同居吗?” |
"It does seem, and it is most shocking indeed," replied
Elizabeth, with tears in her eyes, "that a sister's sense of
decency and virtue in such a point should admit of doubt.
But, really, I know not what to say. Perhaps I am not doing
her justice. But she is very young; she has never been taught
to think on serious subjects; and for the last half year, nay,
for a twelvemonth, she has been given up to nothing but
amusement and vanity. She has been allowed to dispose of her
time in the most idle and frivolous manner, and to adopt any
opinions that came in her way. Since the ----shire were first
quartered in Meryton, nothing but love, flirtation, and
officers have been in her head. She has been doing every thing
in her power, by thinking and talking on the subject, to give
greater -- what shall I call it? -- susceptibility to her
feelings, which are naturally lively enough. And we all know
that Wickham has every charm of person and address that can
captivate a woman."
伊丽莎白眼睛里涌起了眼泪说道:“说起来真 是骇人听闻,一个人居然怀疑到自己亲妹妹会 不顾体面,不顾贞操!可是我的确不知道该怎 么说才好。也许是我冤枉了她。她很年轻,又 从来没有人教她应该怎样去考虑这些重大的; 问题半年以来──不,整整一年以来──她只 知道开心作乐,爱好虚荣。家里纵容她,让她 尽过些轻浮浪荡的日子,让她随便遇到什么事 情都是轻信盲从。自从民兵团驻扎到麦里屯以 后,她一脑子只想到谈情说爱,卖弄风情,勾 搭军官。她先天就已经足够钨,再加上老是想 这件事,谈这件事,想尽办法使自己的感情更 加──我应该说更加怎么呢?──更加容易被 人家诱惑。我们都知道韦翰无论在仪表方面, 辞令方面,都有足够的魅力可以迷住一个女人 。” |
"But you see that Jane," said her aunt, "does not think so ill
of Wickham as to believe him capable of the attempt."
“可是你得明白,”她的舅母说,“吉英就不 把韦翰看得那么坏,她认为他不会存这种心肠 。” |
"Of whom does Jane ever think ill? And who is there, whatever
might be their former conduct, that she would believe capable
of such an attempt, till it were proved against them? But Jane
knows, as well as I do, what Wickham really is. We both know
that he has been profligate in every sense of the word. That
he has neither integrity nor honour. That he is as false and
deceitful, as he is insinuating."
“吉英何尝把任何人看作坏人?不管是什么样 的人,无论他过去的行为怎样,除非等到事实 证明了那个人确实是坏,她怎么会相信人家会 存这种心肠?可是说到韦翰的底细,吉英却和 我一样明白。我们俩都知道他是个不折不扣的 淫棍,他既没有人格,又不顾体面,一味虚情 假意,柔声媚气。” |
"And do you really know all this?" cried Mrs. Gardiner, whose
curiosity as to the mode of her intelligence was all alive.
这番话使嘉丁纳太太起了极大的好奇心,想要 弄明白外甥女儿怎么知道这些事情的,便大声 问道:“这些情形你真的都了解吗?” |
"I do, indeed," replied Elizabeth, colouring. "I told you
the other day, of his infamous behaviour to Mr. Darcy; and
you, yourself, when last at Longbourn, heard in what manner
he spoke of the man who had behaved with such forbearance
and liberality towards him. And there are other circumstances
which I am not at liberty -- which it is not worth while to
relate; but his lies about the whole Pemberley family are
endless. From what he said of Miss Darcy, I was thoroughly
prepared to see a proud, reserved, disagreeable girl. Yet he
knew to the contrary himself. He must know that she was
amiable and unpretending as we have found her."
伊丽莎白红着脸回答道:“我当然了解,那一 天我已经把他对待达西先生的无耻行为说给你 听过。人家待他那么宽宏大量,可是你目次在 浪搏恩的时候,曾经亲耳听到他是心臬的态度 谈到人家。还有许多事情我不便于说,也不值 得说,可是他对于彭伯里府上造谣中伤的事实 ,真是数说不尽。他把达西小姐说成那样一个 人,使得我开头完全把她当做一位骄傲冷酷, 惹人讨厌的小姐。然而他自己也知道事实完全 相反。他心里一定明白,达西小姐正象我们所 看到的那样和蔼可亲,一些也不装腔作势。” |
"But does Lydia know nothing of this? Can she be ignorant of
what you and Jane seem so well to understand?"
“难道丽迪雅完全不知道这些事吗?既然你和 吉英都了解得那么透彻,她自己怎么会完全不 晓得?” |
"Oh, yes! -- that, that is the worst of all. Till I was in
Kent, and saw so much both of Mr. Darcy and his relation,
Colonel Fitzwilliam, I was ignorant of the truth myself. And
when I returned home, the ----shire was to leave Meryton in a
week or fortnight's time. As that was the case, neither Jane,
to whom I related the whole, nor I, thought it necessary to
make our knowledge public; for of what use could it apparently
be to any one that the good opinion which all the neighbourhood
had of him should then be overthrown? And even when it was
settled that Lydia should go with Mrs. Forster, the necessity
of opening her eyes to his character never occurred to me.
That she could be in any danger from the deception never
entered my head. That such a consequence as this should
ensue, you may easily believe was far enough from my thoughts."
“糟就糟在这里。我自己也是到了肯特郡以后 ,常常跟达西先生和他的亲戚弗茨威廉上校在 一起,才知道真相。等我回得家来,某某郡的 民兵团已经准备在一两个星期以内就要离开麦 里屯了。当时我就把这情形在吉英面前和盘托 出,吉英和我都觉得不必向外面声张,因为街 坊四邻既然都对韦翰有好感如果叫大家对他印 象转坏,这会对谁有好处?甚至于临到决定让 丽迪雅跟弗斯脱太太一块儿走的时候,我还不 想叫丽迪雅了解他的人品。我从来没想到她竟 会被他欺骗。你可以,相信我万万想不到会造 成这样的后果。” |
"When they all removed to Brighton, therefore, you had no
reason, I suppose, to believe them fond of each other."
“那么说,他们开拔到白利屯去的时候,你还 是毫不在意,没想到他们俩已经爱上了吧?” |
"Not the slightest. I can remember no symptom of affection on
either side; and had any thing of the kind been perceptible,
you must be aware that ours is not a family on which it could
be thrown away. When first he entered the corps, she was ready
enough to admire him; but so we all were. Every girl in or
near Meryton was out of her senses about him for the first two
months; but he never distinguished her by any particular
attention, and consequently, after a moderate period of
extravagant and wild admiration, her fancy for him gave way,
and others of the regiment who treated her with more
distinction again became her favourites."
“根本没想到。我记得他们谁都没有流露出相 爱的意思,要知道,当初只要看出了一点形迹 ,在我们那样的一个家庭里是不会不谈论的。 他刚到部队里来的时候,她就对他十分爱慕, 当时我们大家都是那样。在开头一两个月里面 ,麦里屯一带的姑娘们没有哪一个不为他神魂 颠倒;可是他对她却不曾另眼相看。后来那一 阵滥爱狂恋的风气过去了,她对他的幻想也就 消失了,因为民兵团里其他的军官们更加看重 她,于是她的心又转到他们身上去了。” |
It may be easily believed that, however little of novelty could
be added to their fears, hopes, and conjectures, on this
interesting subject by its repeated discussion, no other could
detain them from it long, during the whole of the journey.
From Elizabeth's thoughts it was never absent. Fixed there by
the keenest of all anguish, self-reproach, she could find no
interval of ease or forgetfulness.
他们一路上把这个有趣的话题翻来复去地谈论 ,谈到哪些地方值得顾虑,哪些地方还可以寄 予希望;揣想起来又是如何如何;实在再也谈 不出什么新茶来了,只得暂时住口。可是隔了 不多一会儿,又谈到这件事上面来了;这是可 想而知的。伊丽莎白的脑子里总是摆脱不开这 件事。她为这件事自怨自艾,没有一刻能够安 心,也没有一刻能够忘怀。 |
They travelled as expeditiously as possible; and, sleeping one
night on the road, reached Longbourn by dinner-time the next
day. It was a comfort to Elizabeth to consider that Jane could
not have been wearied by long expectations.
他们匆匆忙忙赶着路,在中途住宿了一夜,第 二天吃跑的时候就到了浪搏恩。伊丽莎白感到 快慰的是,总算没有让吉英等得心焦。 |
The little Gardiners, attracted by the sight of a chaise, were
standing on the steps of the house as they entered the paddock;
and when the carriage drove up to the door, the joyful surprise
that lighted up their faces, and displayed itself over their
whole bodies in a variety of capers and frisks, was the first
pleasing earnest of their welcome.
他们进了围场,嘉丁纳舅舅的孩子们一看见一 辆马车,便赶到台阶上来站着;等到马车赶到 门口的时候,孩子们一个个惊喜交集,满面笑 容,跳来蹦去,这是大人们回来时第一次受到 的愉快热诚的欢迎。 |
Elizabeth jumped out; and, after giving each of them an hasty
kiss, hurried into the vestibule, where Jane, who came running
down stairs from her mother's apartment, immediately met her.
伊丽莎白跳下马车,匆匆忙忙把每个孩子亲吻 了一下便赶快向门口奔去,吉英这时候正从母 亲房间里跑下楼来,在那儿迎接她。 |
Elizabeth, as she affectionately embraced her, whilst tears
filled the eyes of both, lost not a moment in asking whether
any thing had been heard of the fugitives.
伊丽莎白热情地拥抱着她,姐妹两人都热泪滚 滚。伊丽莎白一面又迫不及待地问她是否听到 那一对私奔的男女有什么下落。 |
"Not yet," replied Jane. "But now that my dear uncle is come,
I hope every thing will be well."
“还没有听到什么下落,”吉英回答道。“好 在亲爱的舅舅回来了,我希望从此以后一切都 会顺利。” |
"Is my father in town?"
“爸爸进城去了吗?” |
"Yes, he went on Tuesday, as I wrote you word."
“进城去了,他是星期二走的,我信上告诉过 你了。” |
"And have you heard from him often?"
“常常收到他的信吗?” |
"We have heard only once. He wrote me a few lines on
Wednesday, to say that he had arrived in safety, and to give
me his directions, which I particularly begged him to do.
He merely added that he should not write again till he had
something of importance to mention."
“只收到他一封信。是星期三寄来的,信上三 言两语,只说他已经平安抵达,又把他的详细 地址告诉了我,这还是他临走时我特别要求他 写的。另外他只说,等到有了重要消息,再写 信来。” |
"And my mother -- How is she? How are you all?"
“妈好吗?家里人都好吗?” |
"My mother is tolerably well, I trust; though her spirits are
greatly shaken. She is up stairs, and will have great
satisfaction in seeing you all. She does not yet leave her
dressing-room. Mary and Kitty, thank Heaven! are quite well."
“我觉得妈还算好,只不过精神上受了很大的 挫折。她在楼上;她看到你们回来,一定非常 快活。她还在自己的化妆室里呢。谢天谢地, 曼丽和吉蒂都非常好。” |
"But you -- How are you?" cried Elizabeth. "You look pale.
How much you must have gone through!"
“可是你好吗?”伊丽莎白又大声问道。“你 脸色苍白。你一定担了多少心思啊!” |
Her sister, however, assured her of her being perfectly well;
and their conversation, which had been passing while Mr. and
Mrs. Gardiner were engaged with their children, was now put an
end to by the approach of the whole party. Jane ran to her
uncle and aunt, and welcomed and thanked them both, with
alternate smiles and tears.
姐姐告诉她完好无恙。姐妹俩趁着嘉丁纳夫妇 忙于应付孩子们的时候,刚刚谈了这几句话, 只见他们一大群男女老幼都走过来了,于是谈 话只得终止。吉英走到舅父母跟前去表示欢迎 和感谢,笑一阵又哭一阵。 |
When they were all in the drawing room, the questions which
Elizabeth had already asked were of course repeated by the
others, and they soon found that Jane had no intelligence to
give. The sanguine hope of good, however, which the
benevolence of her heart suggested, had not yet deserted her;
she still expected that it would all end well, and that every
morning would bring some letter, either from Lydia or her
father, to explain their proceedings, and perhaps announce the
大家都走进会客室以后,舅父母又把伊丽莎白 刚才问过的那些话重新问了一遍,立刻就发觉 吉英没有什么消息可以奉行。吉英因为心肠慈 善,总是从乐观的方面去着想,即使事到如今 ,她还没有心灰意冷,她还在指望着一切都会 有圆满的结局;总有哪一天早上她会收到一封 信,或者是父亲写来的,或者是丽迪雅写来的 ,信上会把事情进行的经过详细报道一番,或 许还会宣布那一对男女的结婚消息。 |
Mrs. Bennet, to whose apartment they all repaired, after a few
minutes conversation together, received them exactly as might
be expected; with tears and lamentations of regret, invectives
against the villainous conduct of Wickham, and complaints of
her own sufferings and ill usage; blaming every body but the
person to whose ill-judging indulgence the errors of her
daughter must be principally owing.
大家谈了一会儿以后,都到班纳特太太房里去 了。果然不出所料,班纳特太太见到他们便眼 泪汪汪,长吁短叹。她先把韦翰的卑劣行为痛 骂了一顿,又为自己的病痛和委屈抱怨了一番 ,她几乎把每个人都骂到了,只有一个人没骂 到,而那个人却正是盲目溺爱女儿,使女儿铸 成大错的主要原因。 |
"If I had been able," said she, "to carry my point of going to
Brighton, with all my family, this would not have happened;
but poor dear Lydia had nobody to take care of her. Why did
the Forsters ever let her go out of their sight? I am sure
there was some great neglect or other on their side, for she is
not the kind of girl to do such a thing, if she had been well
looked after. I always thought they were very unfit to have
the charge of her; but I was over-ruled, as I always am. Poor
dear child! And now here's Mr. Bennet gone away, and I know he
will fight Wickham wherever he meets him, and then he will be
killed, and what is to become of us all? The Collinses will
turn us out, before he is cold in his grave; and if you are not
kind to us, brother, I do not know what we shall do."
她说:“要是当初能够依了我的打算,让全家 人都跟着到白利屯去,那就不会发生这种事了 。丽迪雅真是又可怜又可爱。毛病就出在没有 人照应。弗斯脱太太怎么竟放心让她离开他们 跟前呢?我看,一定是他们太怠慢了她。象她 那样一个姑娘,要是有人好好地照料她,她是 决不会做出那种事来的。我一起觉得他们不配 照管她;可是我一直要受人家摆布。可怜的好 孩子呀!班纳特先生已经走了,他一碰到韦翰 ,一定会跟他拚个死活,他一定会给韦翰活活 打死,那叫我们大家可怎么办?他尸骨未寒, 柯林斯一家人就要把我们撵;出去兄弟呀,要 是你不帮帮我们的忙,我就真不知道怎么是好 啦。” |
They all exclaimed against such terrific ideas; and Mr.
Gardiner, after general assurances of his affection for her and
all her family, told her that he meant to be in London the very
next day, and would assist Mr. Bennet in every endeavour for
recovering Lydia.
大家听到她这些可怕的话,都失声大叫;嘉丁 纳先生告诉她说,无论对她本人,对她家里人 ,他都会尽心照顾,然后又告诉她说,他明天 就要到伦敦去,尽力帮助班纳特先生去找丽迪 雅。 |
"Do not give way to useless alarm," added he; "though it is
right to be prepared for the worst, there is no occasion to
look on it as certain. It is not quite a week since they left
Brighton. In a few days more, we may gain some news of them,
and till we know that they are not married, and have no design
of marrying, do not let us give the matter over as lost. As
soon as I get to town, I shall go to my brother and make him
come home with me to Gracechurch Street, and then we may
consult together as to what is to be done."
他又说:“不要过分焦急,虽说也应该从最坏 的方面去着想,可也不一定会落得最坏的下场 。他们离开白利屯还不到一个星期。再过几天 ,我们可能会打听到一些有关他们的消息。等 我们把事情弄明白了;要是他们真的没有结婚 ,而且不打算结婚,那时候才谈得上失望。我 一进城就会到姐夫那里去,请他到天恩寺街我 们家里去住,那时候我们就可以一块儿商量出 一个办法来。” |
"Oh! my dear brother," replied Mrs. Bennet, "that is exactly
what I could most wish for. And now do, when you get to town,
find them out, wherever they may be; and if they are not
married already, make them marry. And as for wedding clothes,
do not let them wait for that, but tell Lydia she shall have as
much money as she chooses to buy them, after they are married.
And, above all things, keep Mr. Bennet from fighting. Tell him
what a dreadful state I am in, -- that I am frightened out of
my wits; and have such tremblings, such flutterings all over me
such spasms in my side, and pains in my head, and such beatings
at heart, that I can get no rest by night nor by day. And tell
my dear Lydia, not to give any directions about her clothes
till she has seen me, for she does not know which are the best
warehouses. Oh, brother, how kind you are! I know you will
contrive it all."
班纳特太太回答道:“噢,好兄弟,这话正讲 在我心上。你一到城里,千万把他们找到,不 管他们在哪里也好;要是他们还没有结婚,一 定叫他们结婚。讲到结婚的礼服,叫他们用不 着等了,只告诉丽迪雅说,等他们结婚以后, 她要多少钱做衣服我就给她多少钱。千万要紧 的是,别让班纳特先生跟他打架。还请你告诉 他,我真是在活受罪简直给吓得神经错乱了, 遍身发抖,东倒西歪,腰部抽搐,头痛心跳, 从白天到夜里,没有一刻能够安心。请你跟我 的丽迪雅宝贝儿说,叫她不要自作主张做衣服 ,等到和我见了面再说,因为她不知道哪一家 衣料店最好。噢,兄弟,你真是一片好心!我 知道你会想出办法来把样样事情都办好。” |
But Mr. Gardiner, though he assured her again of his earnest
endeavours in the cause, could not avoid recommending
moderation to her, as well in her hopes as her fears; and,
after talking with her in this manner till dinner was on table,
they left her to vent all her feelings on the housekeeper, who
attended in the absence of her daughters.
嘉丁纳先生虽然又重新安了她一下心,说他一 定会认真尽力地去效劳,可是又叫她不要过分 乐观,也不要过分忧虑。大家跟她一直谈到吃 中饭才走开,反正女儿们不在她跟前的时候, 有管家妇等候她,她还可以去向管家妇发牢骚 。 |
Though her brother and sister were persuaded that there was no
real occasion for such a seclusion from the family, they did
not attempt to oppose it, for they knew that she had not
prudence enough to hold her tongue before the servants while
they waited at table, and judged it better that one only of
the household, and the one whom they could most trust, should
comprehend all her fears and solicitude on the subject.
虽然她弟弟和弟妇都以为她大可不必和家里人 分开吃饭,可是他们并不打算反对她这样做, 因为他们考虑到她说话不谨慎,如果吃起饭来 让好几个佣人一起来等候,那么她在佣人们面 前把心里话全说了出来,未免不大好,因此最 好还是只让一个佣人──一个最靠得住的佣人 等候她,听她去叙述她对这件事是多么担心, 多么牵挂。 |
In the dining-room they were soon joined by Mary and Kitty, who
had been too busily engaged in their separate apartments, to
make their appearance before. One came from her books, and the
other from her toilette. The faces of both, however, were
tolerably calm; and no change was visible in either, except
that the loss of her favourite sister, or the anger which she
had herself incurred in the business, had given something more
of fretfulness than usual to the accents of Kitty. As for
Mary, she was mistress enough of herself to whisper to
Elizabeth, with a countenance of grave reflection, soon after
they were seated at table,
他们走进饭厅不久,曼丽和吉蒂也来了,原来 这两姐妹都在自己房间里忙着各人自己的事, 一个在读书,一个在化妆,因此没有能够早一 些出来。两人的脸色都相当平静,看不出有什 么变化,只是吉蒂讲话的声调比平常显得暴躁 一些,这或者是因为她丢了一个心爱的妹妹而 感到伤心,或者是因为这件事也使她觉得气愤 。至于曼丽,她却自有主张,等大家坐定以后 ,她便摆出一副严肃的面孔,跟伊丽莎白低声 说道: |
"This is a most unfortunate affair; and will probably be much
talked of. But we must stem the tide of malice, and pour into
the wounded bosoms of each other the balm of sisterly
“家门不幸,遭此惨祸,很可能会引起外界议 论纷纷。人心恶毒,我们一定要及时防范,免 得一发不可收拾。我们要用姐妹之情来安慰彼 此创伤的心灵。” |
Then, perceiving in Elizabeth no inclination of replying, she
added, "Unhappy as the event must be for Lydia, we may draw
from it this useful lesson: that loss of virtue in a female is
irretrievable -- that one false step involves her in endless
ruin -- that her reputation is no less brittle than it is
beautiful, -- and that she cannot be too much guarded in her
behaviour towards the undeserving of the other sex."
她看到伊丽莎白不想回答,便又接下去说:“ 此事对于丽迪雅固属不幸,但亦可以作为我们 的前车之鉴。大凡女人家一经失去贞操,便无 可挽救,这真是一失足成千古恨。美貌固然难 于永保,名誉亦何尝容易保全。世间多的是轻 薄男子,岂可不寸步留神?” |
Elizabeth lifted up her eyes in amazement, but was too much
oppressed to make any reply. Mary, however, continued to
console herself with such kind of moral extractions from the
evil before them.
伊丽莎白抬起眼睛来,神情很是诧异;她心里 实在太郁闷,所以一句话也答不上来。可是曼 丽还在往下说,她要从这件不幸的事例中阐明 道德的精义,以便聊以自慰。 |
In the afternoon, the two elder Miss Bennets were able to be
for half an hour by themselves; and Elizabeth instantly availed
herself of the opportunity of making many enquiries, which Jane
was equally eager to satisfy. After joining in general
lamentations over the dreadful sequel of this event, which
Elizabeth considered as all but certain, and Miss Bennet could
not assert to be wholly impossible, the former continued the
subject by saying, "But tell me all and every thing about it
which I have not already heard. Give me farther particulars.
What did Colonel Forster say? Had they no apprehension of any
thing before the elopement took place? They must have seen
them together for ever."
到了下午,两位年纪最大的小姐有了半个钟头 的时间可以在一起谈谈心。伊丽莎白不肯错过 机会,连忙向吉英问东问西,吉英也连忙一一 加以回答,好让妹妹放心。两姐妹先把这件事 的不幸的后果共同叹息了一番。伊丽莎白认为 一定会发生不幸的后果,吉英也认为难免。于 是伊丽莎白继续说道:“凡是我不知道的情节 ,请你全部说给我听。请你谈得再详细一些。 弗斯脱上校怎么说的?他们俩私奔之前,难道 看不出一点形迹可疑的地方吗?照理应该常常 看到他们两人在一起呀。” |
"Colonel Forster did own that he had often suspected some
partiality, especially on Lydia's side, but nothing to give him
any alarm. I am so grieved for him. His behaviour was
attentive and kind to the utmost. He was coming to us, in
order to assure us of his concern, before he had any idea of
their not being gone to Scotland; when that apprehension first
got abroad, it hastened his journey."
“弗斯脱上校说,他也曾怀疑过他们俩有情感 ,特别是怀疑丽迪雅,可是他并没有看出什么 形迹,因此没有及时留意。我真为他难受。他 为人极其殷勤善良。远在他想到他们两人并没 有到苏格兰去的时候,他就打算上我们这儿来 慰问我们。等到人心惶惶的时候,他连忙便赶 来了。” |
"And was Denny convinced that Wickham would not marry? Did he
know of their intending to go off? Had Colonel Forster seen
Denny himself?"
“丹尼认为韦翰不会跟她结婚吗?他是否知道 他们存心私奔?弗斯脱上校有没有见到丹尼本 人?” |
"Yes; but when questioned by him, Denny denied knowing any
thing of their plan, and would not give his real opinion about
it. He did not repeat his persuasion of their not marrying --
and from that, I am inclined to hope, he might have been
misunderstood before."
“见到的,不过他回到丹尼的时候,丹尼绝口 否认,说是根本不知道他们私奔的打算,也不 肯说出他自己对这件事究竟怎样看法。丹尼以 后便没有再提起他们俩不会结婚之类的话。照 这样看来,但愿上一次是我听错了他的话。” |
"And till Colonel Forster came himself, not one of you
entertained a doubt, I suppose, of their being really married?"
“我想弗斯脱上校没有到这儿以前,你们谁都 没有怀疑到他们不会正式结婚吧?” |
"How was it possible that such an idea should enter our brains!
I felt a little uneasy -- a little fearful of my sister's
happiness with him in marriage, because I knew that his conduct
had not been always quite right. My father and mother knew
nothing of that, they only felt how imprudent a match it must
be. Kitty then owned, with a very natural triumph on knowing
more than the rest of us, that in Lydia's last letter she had
prepared her for such a step. She had known, it seems, of
their being in love with each other many weeks."
“我们的脑子里怎么会有这种念头呢!我只是 觉得有些不安心,有些顾虑,怕妹妹跟他结婚 不会幸福,因为我早就知道他的品德不太端正 。父亲和母亲完全不知道这种情形,他们只觉 得这门亲事非常冒昧。吉蒂当时十分好胜地说 ,她比我们大家都熟悉内幕情形,丽迪雅给她 的最后一封信上就已经隐隐约约透露也了一些 口风,准备来这一着。看吉蒂那副神气,她好 象远在她几个星期以前,就知道他们俩相爱了 。” |
"But not before they went to Brighton?"
“总不见得在他们俩去到白利屯以前就看出了 吧?” |
"No, I believe not."
“不见得,我相信不见得。” |
"And did Colonel Forster appear to think ill of Wickham
himself? Does he know his real character?"
“弗斯脱上校是不是显出看不起韦翰的样子? 他了解韦翰的真面目吗?” |
"I must confess that he did not speak so well of Wickham as he
formerly did. He believed him to be imprudent and extravagant.
And since this sad affair has taken place, it is said that he
left Meryton greatly in debt; but I hope this may be false."
“这我得承认,他不象从前那样器重他了。他 认为他行事荒唐,又爱奢华,这件伤心的事发 生以后,人们都传说他离开麦里屯的时候,还 欠下了好多债,我但愿这是谣言。” |
"Oh, Jane, had we been less secret, had we told what we knew of
him, this could not have happened!"
“哎哟,吉英,要是我们当初少替他保守一点 秘密,把他的事情照直说出来,那也许就不会 发生这件事了!” |
"Perhaps it would have been better," replied her sister.
"But to expose the former faults of any person, without knowing
what their present feelings were, seemed unjustifiable. We
acted with the best intentions."
吉英说:“说不定会好些,不过,光是揭露人 家过去的错误,而不尊重人家目前的为人,未 免亦有些说不过去。我们待人接物,应该完全 好心好意。” |
"Could Colonel Forster repeat the particulars of Lydia's note
to his wife?"
“弗斯脱上校能不能把丽迪雅留给他太太的那 封短信逐字逐句背出来?” |
"He brought it with him for us to see."
“那封信他是随身带来给我们看的。” |
Jane then took it from her pocket-book, and gave it to
Elizabeth. These were the contents:
于是吉英从口袋里掏出那封信,递给伊丽莎白 。全文如下: |
亲爱的海丽, |
You will laugh when you know where I am gone, and I cannot help
laughing myself at your surprise to-morrow morning, as soon as
I am missed. I am going to Gretna Green, and if you cannot
guess with who, I shall think you a simpleton, for there is but
one man in the world I love, and he is an angel. I should
never be happy without him, so think it no harm to be off. You
need not send them word at Longbourn of my going, if you do not
like it, for it will make the surprise the greater when I write
to them and sign my name Lydia Wickham. What a good joke it
will be! I can hardly write for laughing. Pray make my
excuses to Pratt, for not keeping my engagement and dancing
with him to night. Tell him I hope he will excuse me when he
knows all, and tell him I will dance with him at the next ball
we meet, with great pleasure. I shall send for my clothes when
I get to Longbourn; but I wish you would tell Sally to mend a
great slit in my worked muslin gown before they are packed up.
Good bye. Give my love to Colonel Forster. I hope you will
drink to our good journey.
明天一大早你发现我失了踪,一定会大为惊奇 ;等你弄明白了我上什么地方去,你一定又会 发笑。我想到这里,自己也禁不住笑出来了。 我要到格利那草场去。如果你猜不着我是跟谁 一起去,那我真要把你看成一个大傻瓜,因为 这世界上只有一个男人是我心爱的,他真是一 个天使。没有了他,我决不会幸福,因此,你 别以为这这次去会惹出什么祸来。如果你不愿 意把我出走的消息告诉浪搏恩我家里人,那你 不告诉也罢。我要使他们扪到我信的时候,看 到我的签名是“丽迪雅·韦翰”,让他们更觉 得事出意外。这个玩笑真开得太有意思!我几 乎笑得无法写下去了!请你替我向普拉特道个 歉,我今天晚上不能赴约,不能和他跳舞了。 我希望他知道了这一切情形以后,能够原谅我 ;请你告诉他,下次在跳舞会上想见的时候, 我一定乐意同他跳舞。我到了浪搏恩就派人来 取衣服,请你告诉莎蕾一声,我那件细洋纱的 长衣服裂了一条大缝,叫她替我收拾行李的时 候,把它补一补。再见。请代问候弗斯脱上校 。愿你为我们的一路顺风而干杯。 |
Your affectionate friend,
你的好友 |
丽迪雅·班纳特 |
"Oh! thoughtless, thoughtless Lydia!" cried Elizabeth when she
had finished it. "What a letter is this, to be written at such
a moment. But at least it shows that she was serious in the
object of her journey. Whatever he might afterwards persuade
her to, it was not on her side a scheme of infamy. My poor
father! how he must have felt it!"
伊丽莎白读完了信以后叫道:“好一个没有脑 子的丽迪雅!遇到这样重大的事,竟会写出这 样一封信来!但是至少可以说明,她倒是把这 一次旅行看成一件正经事。不管他以后会诱惑 她走到哪一步田地,她可没有存心要做出什么 丢脸的事来。可怜的爸爸!!他对这件事会不 多少感触啊!” |
"I never saw any one so shocked. He could not speak a word for
full ten minutes. My mother was taken ill immediately, and the
whole house in such confusion!"
“他当时惊骇得那种样子,我真一辈子也没见 过。他整整十分钟说不出一句话来。妈一下子 就病倒了,全家都给弄得鬼神不安!” |
"Oh! Jane!" cried Elizabeth, "was there a servant belonging to
it, who did not know the whole story before the end of the
“噢,吉英,”伊丽莎白叫道。“岂不是所有 的佣人当天都知道了这件事的底细吗?” |
"I do not know. -- I hope there was. -- But to be guarded at
such a time, is very difficult. My mother was in hysterics,
and though I endeavoured to give her every assistance in my
power, I am afraid I did not do so much as I might have done!
But the horror of what might possibly happen, almost took from
me my faculties."
“我不清楚,但愿他们并没有全都知道。不过 在这种时候,即使你要当心,也很难办到。妈 那种歇斯底里的毛病又发作了,我虽然尽了我 的力量去劝慰她,恐怕还是不有够周到的地方 。我只怕会出什么意外,因此吓得不知如何是 好。” |
"Your attendance upon her has been too much for you. You do
not look well. Oh! that I had been with you, you have had
every care and anxiety upon yourself alone."
“你这样待候她,真够你累的。我看你脸色不 怎么好。样样事都让你一个人操心烦神,要是 我跟你在一起就好了!” |
"Mary and Kitty have been very kind, and would have shared in
every fatigue, I am sure, but I did not think it right for
either of them. Kitty is slight and delicate, and Mary studies
so much, that her hours of repose should not be broken in on.
My aunt Phillips came to Longbourn on Tuesday, after my father
went away; and was so good as to stay till Thursday with me.
She was of great use and comfort to us all, and Lady Lucas has
been very kind; she walked here on Wednesday morning to condole
with us, and offered her services, or any of her daughters, if
they could be of use to us."
“曼丽和吉蒂都非常好心,愿意替我分担疲劳 ,可是我不好意思让她们受累,因为吉蒂很纤 弱,曼丽又太用功,不应该再去打扰她们休息 的时间。好在星期二那天,父亲一走,腓力普 姨妈就到浪搏恩来了,蒙她那么好心,一直陪 我到星期四才走。她帮了我们不少的忙,还安 慰了我们。卢卡斯太太待我们也好,她星期三 早上来慰问过我们,她说,如果我们需要她们 帮忙,她和她女儿们都乐意效劳。” |
"She had better have stayed at home," cried Elizabeth; "perhaps
she meant well, but under such a misfortune as this, one
cannot see too little of one's neighbours. Assistance is
impossible; condolence, insufferable. Let them triumph over us
at a distance, and be satisfied."
伊丽莎白大声说道:“还是让她待在自己家里 吧,她也许真是出于一片好意,但是遇到了这 样一件不幸的事,谁还乐意见到自己的邻居? 他们帮我们忙帮不成功,慰问我们反而会叫我 们难受。让她们在我们背后去高兴得意吧。” |
She then proceeded to enquire into the measures which her
father had intended to pursue, while in town, for the recovery
of his daughter.
然后她又问起父亲这次到城里去,打算采用什 么方法去找到丽迪雅。 |
"He meant, I believe," replied Jane, "to go to Epsom, the place
where they last changed horses, see the postillions, and try if
any thing could be made out from them. His principal object
must be to discover the number of the hackney coach which took
them from Clapham. It had come with a fare from London; and as
he thought the circumstance of a gentleman and lady's removing
from one carriage into another might be remarked, he meant to
make enquiries at Clapham. If he could any how discover at
what house the coachman had before set down his fare, he
determined to make enquiries there, and hoped it might not
be impossible to find out the stand and number of the coach.
I do not know of any other designs that he had formed: but he
was in such a hurry to be gone, and his spirits so greatly
discomposed, that I had difficulty in finding out even so much
as this."
吉英说:“我看他打算到艾普桑去,因为他们 俩是在那儿换马车的,他要上那儿去找找那些 马车夫,看看能不能从他们哪里探听出一点消 息。他的主要目的就要去查出他们在克拉普汗 所搭乘的那辆出租马车的号码。那辆马车本来 是从伦敦搭乘客人来的来的;据他的想法,一 男一女从一辆马车换上另一辆马车,一定会引 起人家注目,因此他准备到克拉普汗去查问。 他只要查出那个马车夫在哪家门口卸下先前的 那位客人,他便决定上那儿去查问一下,也许 能够查问得出那辆马车的号码和停车的地方。 至于他有什么别的打算,我就不知道了。他急 急忙忙要走,心绪非常紊乱,我能够从他嘴里 问出这么些话来,已经算是不容易了。” |
![]() | (Vol. III, Chap. 4) |
Table of Contents |
(Vol. III, Chap. 6) | ![]() |
http://lost-theory.org/ocrat/pridprej/ Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice in English and Chinese |